Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Parker is Dischraged... Waiting on Audi...

Well update on the babies... After six long days in the hospital.. Parker has finally discharged... His O2 levels are maintaining over 92% on room air and they are stable while sleeping.. He is going to require breathing treatment every 6 hours but he is doing great...
Audrey on the other hand... it took her longer to get sick and therefore she is going to be stubborn and take longer to get well... She is still requiring oxygen, especially while she is sleeping... I think she is liking all the attention that she is getting from the nurses.

So far the hospitalization has been great.. We have had wonderful nursing staff.. (well except for maybe one nurse... she is a little impatient). I have definitely had to be my babies advocate... I have been persistant in getting them proper care. We specifically have fallen in love with a few particular nurses... Susan was our favorite nurse this weekend... She loved the babies.. She flew all the way back from Minnesota this weekend just to work and turned around and flew back on Monday morning... Bethany was a great pick for our weekend day nurse. She had compassion like you couldn't believe.. She shared with us that she has been the mother of a chronically ill child... She was wonderful... Jayda... Lets just say that good genes must run in her family. She was wondeful (she is sisters with Michelle the Lacatation consulatant that I loved when I had the babies in November). Jayda helped bathe the babes one night and would come in just to love on them... She even got sprayed in the face by my breast milk (long story)... and Martha... I have never met a nurse that loved her job so much. Thank you so much Lutheran Inpatient Peds nurses for taking such good care of my munchkins...

Now that Parker has been discharged, he will stay up at the hospital with me... I will have to get up now in the middle of the night to do his breathing treatments... No more Respiratory therapists for Parker... Come on Audi. it is your turn to get out of here...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Audrey is now admitted...

Room 332 as Lutheran Hospital is now the home for both Parker and Audrey...

Audrey's wheezing is not improved... instead she is starting to behave more like Parker... She is coughing and have a hard time clearing her secretions...

Dr. Cohen called to check on Parker and asked to speak with me... He wanted to know how Audrey was as well... I shared that she seemed to be going down hill... He decided to admit her with the same orders as Parker...

IV's were started as well as breathing treatments... Both babies are now resting comfortably...

Merry Christmas Parker and Audrey...

Update - Parker and Audrey both are Positive for RSV.... The plan is to treat with IVF and breathing treatments... Both babies are on apnea monitors and pulse oximeters... We are hoping to see some improvement in the next 24-48 hours...

Santa brought two sick babies for Christmas....

Well we kept our doctor's appointment that was scheduled for last night... Joe and I rushed out of bed this morning after a very long night with Parker last night. He struggled to breathe all night. His cough is getting so deep and after each cough he just cries in pain. He turns blue as if he can't oxygenate his little body. I cry everytime he does this.... I have feared the RSV virus ever since Audrey and Parker's birth.... I new that if I didn't get them to the doctor that they would only get more sick...

We dressed the babies in their red and white stripped santa outfits, bundled them blankets and loaded them in the car... Both babies so sick. Parkers temperature this morning was 102.3 axillary... The poor baby is so sick. Dr. Cohen got us right in at 9 am... He listened to Parker's lungs and said he is definitely wheezing... He was pretty sure that he had RSV... Dr. Cohen asked if was having any apnea... I said I noticed he turned blue after his coughing spells...

HOSPITALIZATION - not what we were expecting on our dear baby boy's first christmas... Audrey has also started to cough and wheeze.. The doctor wants to watch her and not admit her unless we absolutely have to... I walked from the doctor's office over to the Hospital and we were admitted into a little room. I felt so claustraphobic... but all I was worried about was how sick my baby boy was at this time. He wouldn't even wake up... Hey struggled to breathe...

As soon as we got into our room a respiratory therapist came in and gave Parker a treatment... He coughed and cried through the entire thing... It was so depressing...

Next a IV nurse came in... Parker was stuck three times and finally a good IV was placed...He never moved or even made a noise with the IV stick... My poor baby is so sick...

I finally was able to feed my poor baby.. Joe went to the main desk to register the babies... I spent the time in the room getting comfortable.. Aunt Angie came to visit and help calm me and the babies... Papa and Grandma came after spending time with the babies... Uncle Troy called... I shared what was going on... He and Aunt Ashlee got in the car and drove straight up from Indy...

Parker is so loved... Lets get him on the mend...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

One month already....

I can't believe how quickly time is going by... Parker and Audrey are officially one month old today (Pearl Harbor Day)... The are both doing wonderful at night... Only waking up once... We usually have them down to bed around 11 pm and they are up at about 4 a.m. and then sleep till after 7 am.. This has been a nice transition for us... Both babies definitely inherited Joe and my sleep patterns... We love our sleep...

I am still adjusting with many post op problems.... I will not go into all of those but lets just say that I have been back to the Doctor's office three times for abnormal bleeding... We are just praying that it goes away real soon so that we can avoid any further surgery or procedures..

I jumped right back into school ten days after delivery... I am so glad that I decided to get most of my work done prior to delivery... We have our final this week and all other work is done. I did take an incomplete in one course so that I could enjoy time with the babies and recover from surgery. I just have to have my 10 page paper completed by February 6th, 2009... Plenty of time right????

The babies headed for their one month check... They are growing quickly... Parker was 6 lbs even and Audrey 6 lbs 10 ounces... They are growing big quickly... I can't believe how quickly they grow up...