Well God has brought many blessings, trials and tribulations into the Mayernik Household in the last 4.5 months....
In March 10, 2008, Joe, my mom and myself made the long awaited drive (after three weeks of injections and medications) to Indianapolis to follow through the IVF process. On the morning of March 10th, I was put under anesthesia and had 20 eggs retrieved.... On March 13th.. we went back to Indy for the transfer of two great quality embryos... 11 over our 20 eggs fertilized... 1 seized on day 2 after retrieval and 10 continued to flourish into beautiful blastocysts... On the 13th two were transferred and eight were taken to the deep freezer.. (can you believe it... Joe and I have eight frozen frosties..). I spent the next 7 days laying in bed or on the couch watching TV... typing on the computer and completing school work.
The next 2 weeks was unbearable... I had to wait and wait and wait... Everyday wondering if the nausea I was feeling and the headaches were all in make believe. WE were told that we had to wait until Monday, March 31st to have our first HCG (blood pregnancy test) completed. It was suggested to not take a home pregnancy test as they can be inaccurate and can give false hopes or disappointment that is not needed... Well I couldn't take it anymore... On Friday, March 21, 2008 (Good Friday), I broke down and took a pregnancy test. I couldn't even wait for Joey to get home from work. It was 4:30 in the evening... and I had one test left under my bathroom sink... My sister-in-law Chelsea was down stairs on the phone... I pee'd on the digital stick... It read "POSITIVE". I could not believe it... and I did not believe. I ran down stairs and told Chelsea that I needed to run to Walgreens quickly... I ran to the drug store and I bought 4 more tests... I came home and took all TWO of the four tests... They read 1. POSITIVE, 2.POSITIVE.... I couldn't believe it... and surely could not wait for my husband to get home from work.. I ran back to Walgreens and bought two easter cards... One for Joey and one for my mom... Both cards were To daddy from Baby and to Grandma from Baby.... This is how I shared the great news with Joe when he got home from work.... Later that evening we gave the other card to Grandma.... Now ironically.. I signed both cards from Mayernik Baby #1 (and maybe #2.) Good Friday 2008 was a GREAT Friday in the Mayernik household...
Well you would have thought I was convinced... Three positive pregnancy tests... Lets just say - it took much more convincing... I used the other two pregnancy tests and bought four more before the weekend was over. On Monday Morning, March 24, 2008, I called Dr Bopp's office (the fertility specialist) and notified them of my positive pregnancy test... They had me come in for the all awaited Serum HCG level (that was not scheduled until the next day). I went in a day early and the needle prick completed and left with butterflies in my tummy. The next four hours was ruthless... I could not believe that it would take so long to get results back. When the phone rang, I froze. I was scared to death to answer it (even though I already new the results...). I answered the phone and Erin (the nurse) said right away, "Congratulations Mommy, your HCG level is 189".... She confirmed all 9 pregnancy tests.... I was pregnant... I went back in two days later to have another test to make sure my numbers were raising properly.... Well lets just say mine was raising better than normal... They want it to double in 48 hours... Mine 48 hours later was 765... This was outstanding...
On April 4, 2008 - I started bleeding.. I called Joe at work and I couldn't get a hold of him. I started sobbing... I was forsure that I was going to lose this baby... I called Dr. Bopp's office.. They brought me in and completed another hormone level... They said there ultrasound equipment would not show anything at this point... I was so disappointed and afraid that the pregnancy was going to fail. Four hours later, Erin (the nurse) called me... She said, "OK, mommy calm down... your HCG is 32, 800.. Which is great... Do you want to go to Lutheran and have a Ultrasound...?".. Of course I did... but I still could not get a hold of Joe... I took my mom and we went to the hospital. The Ultrasound tech was taking the pictures and screamed out loud... She turned the screen to us.... We saw to LARGE circles on the screen... Baby A and Baby B.... Yes... We were officially going to be the proud parents of twins...
This was the beginning of our journey to the lives of the Mayernik Four... Pregnancy continued to be up and down with a whole lot of nausea and vomitting (for the first 6 months), a 85 lb weight gain, a dislocated hip and multilple physical therapy appointments. On November 7, 2008, The Two of us became FOUR....
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