November 7, 2008 - The Big day has finally arrived... The suitcase is finally packed (officially at Midnight today) and the car is packed... Both car seats are secured in the minivan and I was awake for the first time ever before my alarm clock went off (at 5:03 a.m.)... I am not sure what I was feeling that more... I am not sure if was more fear or more excitement... I am not sure if I was nervous or ecstatic... I just new that in five hours my life would change for ever....
This was the last morning that I would literally role out of bed onto all fours on the floor... and then push myself onto my feet. It was the last time that I would wake up in the middle of the night at least four times to go pee.... and it was the last time I would walk up the stairs and have to sit down because I could not catch my breath.... I crawled in the shower... I got out got dressed (in one of the three sweatsuits that I had been wearing for the last four weeks) and I put makeup on... I was going to look somewhat nice when I showed up at the hospital... then I woke up Joey.... I bounced out bed like Tigger the Tiger... He was so excited... He was going to be a "DADDY" today.... After we both up and dressed, I took the long awaited pictures... The last pregnancy pictures prior to delivery ( I didn't take many during my pregnancy because I felt so huge... I definitely regret this!!).
We had to be at the Hospital at 7 am for check in... We left the house at 6:45 (the drive is only five minutes to the hospital). We got to the hospital and registered... WE checked in at the front desk and headed to the third floor... My C-Section was scheduled for 9:00 a.m... I started getting really nervous once I entered my room... I am not sure if I was nervous about the surgery or if was nervous about being a mom...(probably a little of both).
I was placed on the fetal monitors... the babies Heartbeats sounded so great... I had never heard them on a doppler at this point because my OB always performed a ultrasound at every appointment. Both heart beats were always within 4 beats of each other... they often would synchronize... It was so incredible... God was so good... After being placed on monitor.. The nurse started my IV and started to bolus me with fluids... the anesthesiologist came in and introduced himself... Dr. Summerville... Let's just say "hysterical".. He was a riot and definitely helped me through the C-Section process... Dr. Wheeler came into the room at 9:15.... "Are you ready?", He asked... Well at this point.. I don't think I had any other options....
I was wheeled to the OR and placed on the table at 9:30... Dr. Summerville started my Spinal and before I new it I was flat on the OR table, Joe was at the head of the bed and I couldn't feel my legs anymore... I remember the feeling laying on the table... I didn't know if I should smile, cry, laugh, scream or just be mellow... At 9:49 a.m. Dr Wheeler yelled, "Baby A: 9:49, Baby Girl... breech".. I just started to cry... I was convinced up to this point that I was having two boys even though I new after many ultrasounds that we were having a boy and a girl.... Not even a minute later Dr Wheeler yells, "Baby B: 9:50, Baby Boy... with a whole lot of hair".... I cried even more... I had a boy and a girl.... the first thing out of my mouth was, " Oh my goodness, I can breathe.." I could not believe the feeling.. My diaphragm dropped.....
Our Baby boy, Parker Joseph, was rushed off to the nursery.. He was having problems breathing... They brought him to me so that I could have sneak peak... he was perfect with a full head of jet black hair.... Parker was 4 lbs 15 ounces and 18 1/2 inches....
Our little girl, Audrey Lynn, they continued to do everything on in the OR... After they had her settled, they brought her over to Joe and I to hold... Audrey was 6 lbs even and 18 1/4 inches long...
All the sudden the nurse took Audrey from Joe and Dr. Summerville asked Joe to follow the nurse out with Audrey.. She was going to have her bath... What Joe did not know at the time, was that Dr. Wheeler could not get my bleeding under control. He continued to call for several medications (methergine and hemabate (sp?))... He continued to manually massage my uterus and finally 1 hour and 12 minutes after my C-Section started... I was sewn back up and wheeled to recovery...
About 10 minutes into recovery my beautiful babies were brought to me and I got to bond with them... Audrey was bald with big blue eyes and Parkers dark haired with big blue eyes... Both Beautiful. Not that I am biased...