Well update on the babies... After six long days in the hospital.. Parker has finally discharged... His O2 levels are maintaining over 92% on room air and they are stable while sleeping.. He is going to require breathing treatment every 6 hours but he is doing great...
Audrey on the other hand... it took her longer to get sick and therefore she is going to be stubborn and take longer to get well... She is still requiring oxygen, especially while she is sleeping... I think she is liking all the attention that she is getting from the nurses.
So far the hospitalization has been great.. We have had wonderful nursing staff.. (well except for maybe one nurse... she is a little impatient). I have definitely had to be my babies advocate... I have been persistant in getting them proper care. We specifically have fallen in love with a few particular nurses... Susan was our favorite nurse this weekend... She loved the babies.. She flew all the way back from Minnesota this weekend just to work and turned around and flew back on Monday morning... Bethany was a great pick for our weekend day nurse. She had compassion like you couldn't believe.. She shared with us that she has been the mother of a chronically ill child... She was wonderful... Jayda... Lets just say that good genes must run in her family. She was wondeful (she is sisters with Michelle the Lacatation consulatant that I loved when I had the babies in November). Jayda helped bathe the babes one night and would come in just to love on them... She even got sprayed in the face by my breast milk (long story)... and Martha... I have never met a nurse that loved her job so much. Thank you so much Lutheran Inpatient Peds nurses for taking such good care of my munchkins...
Now that Parker has been discharged, he will stay up at the hospital with me... I will have to get up now in the middle of the night to do his breathing treatments... No more Respiratory therapists for Parker... Come on Audi. it is your turn to get out of here...